Our dogs lives in...




Puppy abroad
Basic informations about the puppies that are going abroad.
Our puppies, which are going to most countries, cost 2500€.
If the country of future owner has additional requirements that extend the puppy's stay (for example, up to 6 months like America or Australia), the price will be higher.
In addition, you need to add the transportation fee, which is approximately 200€-500€ within Europe.
You can also pick up the puppy in person.
The doggy that moves abroad must be properly prepared for the journey.
It most countries this include rabies vaccination along with quarantine as a main requirement. In effect, the puppy cannot be released earlier than 15 weeks after birth (Twice as long compared to when the dog is sold in Poland)

We are a small, home-based breeding, and we place special emphasis on socialization.
The most important thing is to prepare the dog well for life in a new home! Puppies live with us in the house.
Puppies are exposed to the sounds of daily life, such as the vacuum cleaner, television etc. They are taught basic things like recall, potty training, leash walk.
Socialization up to 12 weeks is crucial. Our puppies have contact with older people, children, and we take them to public places such as the train station, store etc.
We collaborate with transportation companies such as Animal Liner, ATS Transport or Petsbus. which provide top-quality services.
They have a license for transporting dogs to other countries. During the transport, there is an option to track the dog.
Transporting a puppy in this manner is completely safe.
Of course, there is also the option of picking up the puppy in person
Puppy abroad
Puppy will come with...
🐾Health booklet
🐾a full set of vaccinations, and deworming
🐾Veterinarian certificate
🐾FCI document
🐾Purchase and sale agreement for the dog
🐾Puppy starter kit
We make sure that the puppy goes to its new owner without problems and 100% legally.
We stay in touch with the owners of our puppies, help them, answer their questions, and provide support during hard times.